It has been another busy day at Winton with lots of children completing work from across the curriculum. We have had lots of pictures of children who have received a Headteacher’s Award and a prize, remember your adult at home can nominate you for one if you have completed something you are particularly proud of. Here are some pictures of children who have received their award today!
Many children have been thinking about nature this week and these children have created brilliant bird feeders.
Whilst other children created a bee watering station and celebrated world bee day – which is today!
And these children created a wide variety of art and information all about nature.
Spelling Shed is a fun way to practice your spellings and these children have been working extremely hard today on spellings set by their teachers.
Whilst these children have used a range of creative methods to help practice their spellings.
Many children are still enjoying their activities sent home from their teachers. This child in Year 6 created a brilliant marble roller-coaster!
And this child in Reception is growing cress.
These children have posted their postcards today and we can’t wait to read them.
Maths continues to be a popular subject today. Take a look at this gallery to see what they have been doing.
This child has been using the paper TT Rockstars tasks to practice their times tables.
This child has started to learn how to play the piano. Have a listen to him practicing some notes.
Whilst this child in Year 5 has been learning all about French food.
This is a great video from a child in Year 4 sharing her
We have had so many pictures of children’s work today. Have a look at the gallery below to see all the other brilliant work that has been completed today!