Home Learning

It has been great to see so many pictures of children who have received a Headteacher Award over the weekend. One child said receiving his award made it “the best day ever!”

It has also been great to receive so many pictures of children enjoying doing work from their activity pack – check out the sewing skills of these children in Year 4!

This child adapted their activity and created a fire breathing dragon!


And this child had fun playing his maths game.

Knock, knock. Who’s there? It’s a child from Year 2 and she would like to tell you some jokes!

We have continued to have great weather over the past week and many children have been outside gardening and using nature to create their own art work. Take a look at the gallery below to see all their hard work.

nature 2

This family have been busy creating videos of their work at home! This child created their own snail and slug TV story.

Are you wondering what the weather forecast is? Look at the video below for the latest updates. 

Year 6 children have enjoyed reading the book Holes whilst many other children have produced some great English work today.


Take a look at the wide variety of other learning that has been happening this week. This includes activities from many curriculum areas including Scinece, Music, Geograghy, History and Art!
