Today’s Home Learning

What a busy day of learning Winton has had! Lots of children have been completing activities set by their teachers from their year group web pages and it has been great to see so many activities from across the curriculum. 

This Year 1 child completed his Science task today to see which liquid would clean his pennies the best and he was very surprised by the results! 

In preparation for the Bank Holiday, this family have been creating their own flags to celebrate VE day!

Have you seen Mr Miller’s video challenge yet? Check out this Year 6 child’s basketball skills!

This child in Year 2 has been doing some super baking. Look at all of his cooking creations in the gallery below!


Whilst other children in Year 2 have continued to find out interesting facts about Mexico.

Many families have put thank you messages in their windows and this family has spread across two to display this brilliant giraffe!

Lots of you carried out some superb art work today.

Well done to children in Year 5, who have been sending in lots of photos of their work on the Mayans. There have been posters, PowerPoint presentations and even a Mayan temple made out of Lego. What a super effort!

Look at these crazy animal creations from Reception. One is a Rainbow Alicorn and the other is half dinosaur and half unicorn.

Here are some great examples of work all about mountains and mountaineers from children in Year 4.

Anuthi also looked at the different parts of a world map and labeled each continent.

There have been lots of other pictures of your daily learning sent in and they have been collated into this gallery.  Take a look and see what everyone has been up to!
