Today’s Home Learning

Wow the Winton community has been busy over the last day!  Loads of you have sent in emails with your work and let us know what you have been learning in home school!  Check out this amazing stop frame animation created by one of our pupils today – well done Max great work!  I loved the message you chose to convey in your video.



Plenty of your work has related to the Keep Winton Busy challenges the teachers have been sending to you all.  Mrs SInclair’s fortune teller and Professor Gregory continue to be popular today.  Here is a gallery of your pictures related to the challenges.


Keep Busy


One of our pupils read Miss Griffin’s blog post about growing your own vegetables and how you could use left over food to do this.  He had a go with carrots and the results look really exciting!

Brilliant job – well done!  Another pupil decided to write to the Queen and say how much he enjoyed her televised speech.

He worked hard on the letter as it was for the Queen after all!  Then he took it to post.

And it wasn’t too long before he got a letter back!

Her Majesty was pleased to receive his letter and wrote one back – another great piece of work!

You may have noticed from blog posts this week that Reception’s task this week was to make a picture of their teacher.  Here is one creation of Miss Dyke.

There have been lots of other pictures of your daily learning sent in and they have been collated into this gallery.  Take a look and see what everyone has been up to.
