Home Learning

We hope you enjoyed today’s ‘Keep Busy’ video from Mrs Gadsby and we look forward to seeing your video messages using sign language! It has been great to see so many children enjoying our videos and the pictures and videos showing their achievements each day – keep them coming in!

We are really proud of one our children who participated in an interview that got published on the Letter Press Project for Young Readers.

Click on the link below to see the full interview. 


Many children have been having a go at Mrs James’ manga art activity and have drawn their own versions.

These children have been having a go at cooking and have made delicious biscuits, banana cake and cottage pie – well done!

This child in Year 3 has created a brilliant poster all about Argentina; he included lots of great facts and even drew their flag!  He also spent time creating a brilliant thank you rainbow picture for all the NHS workers.

Take a look at this Ronnie the Rabbit letter by a child in Year 2. It is great to see that have been working really hard on your handwriting – well done!

Look at this fantastic explanation of the life cycle of a turtle completed by a child in Year 5.