What a quiet place school is at the moment; we really do miss everyone very much. But school is still open for some children and we are very busy!
We start every day with a Joe Wicks workout, sadly no photos as I am too busy joining in, it really is hard work!! During the afternoon we also all go out and run the daily mile, well I usually walk it, but I make sure I go round 4 times! (Mr Millar you would be so impressed!)
This week we have an Easter theme for our learning, so we started by making Easter cards by marble painting a bunny.
Then we got the Cuisenaire Rods out. One little boy had a really good try at making different trains, finding other rods that were the same length as his trains and even made some stairs!
The girls however got really creative with their rods and spent AGES building!
This little boy made a super model as well!
There were a few earthquakes along the way where tables got jogged and buildings collapsed which made us all collapse laughing!
We always have a quiet time when we read, whether its on our own or to an adult.
Drawing on large paper was also a popular choice.
Finally there were some children I hardly saw all day as they were digging and digging and digging and watering and watering and watering!
What a busy day! The plan for today is to make salt dough Easter decorations, so watch this space!