Home Learning

Even though it is the first day of the Easter Holidays, it is great to see how busy you have all been! We hope you have been enjoying our ‘Keep Winton Busy’ videos and that you have liked seeing some familiar faces from around school. Keep looking out for our videos each day and see if you can spot a teacher from your year group!

This child from Year 4 has had a go at Mr Sykes’ grammar and writing video challenge – well done!

Lots of children from across the school have been creating some super writing. Take a look at the photos below to see what they have been up to.

Super Writing

These children used Mrs Stone’s challenge to draw rainbows and one child made a special magic design for one of our teachers.

Many children in Year 2 have been working hard to produce fantastic pieces of work about the Titanic. They have found out key information, drawn pictures, created cabins and made even life boats!


Take a look at what other children from around the school have been getting up to today. There has been Cooking, Maths, PE, Geography, French and Reading – keep it up!

Home Learning