On the first day back after half term the children in Y2 were very surprised to find that a ‘disaster’ had taken place in their classrooms. There were upturned tables and chairs, pencils tipped out of pencil pots, books on the carpet and red and white tape across the windows. The children found out that it possibly might have been caused by storm Denis and the windows being left open over half term.
Children wrote recounts about what had happened and then found out about other disasters such as Pompeii, the 2004 Tsunami, the Australian bush fires and The Great Fire of London.
They discovered that disasters and tragedies can be both natural and man-made.
With a focus on The Titanic this term we know the children will be able to use their super skills of enquiry to find out more about this great ship and her passengers and develop a good understanding of how these tragedies and disasters impact on society.