Wonderful Writing

In Reception we have been amazed by how well the children have taken to writing this half term! 

We have been so impressed with how much all of the children are now so confident to mark make and have a go at writing their own ideas. In Indoor Learning we have made use of a huge roll of paper. The children have used their pens and pencils to practise their tricky words, the sounds they know and it has also been lovely to see some of their little drawings too. 

In class we have been practising our cursive letter formation, using whiteboards we have looked at the size of our letters and how they need a lead in and out to help us join our writing. When we write we always sound out each word using our robot arms to help us hear each sound. We have been working on making up our own short stories. We chose a character, what they are doing and where they are going, to develop our sentence writing. We can’t wait to see some more of the stories that the children come up with next half term.

We have just started a new writing challenge. Each child has their own home writing books and a chart in their classrooms. Every time they bring in some writing they have done at home they will get themselves a sticker on their chart, gaining star points and prizes along the way!

Get Writing Reception!