Save our seas!

The children in Year 1 were challenged, over the summer holiday, to go to the beach and collect shells and pebbles to use when making beachcombing artwork. They were also challenged to keep the beach and sea tidy and clean and pick up any rubbish they might find. 

The children sent in photos of themselves keeping our beaches clean. Good job! 

On return to school the children have been finding out about “how long it takes to be gone” for rubbish that is found in the sea. Did you know a disposable nappy takes 465 years and a glass bottle is 1 million years! 

The children have loved making art with the stones, shells and driftwood that they brought in. One child told me “I thought this was going to be really tricky to make the wood look like a fish, but it was great fun and so easy!”

To decorate our reading corner in the base area we decided to go with the under the sea theme; why not dive into a good book! The children have been weaving and plaiting to make the water. They had a great time plaiting as a group, ducking under the ribbons to make the plait! 

We think the finished book corner looks great!